(08)8121 8367

adelaide's trusted disability clinic


Adelaide Disability Medical Services is a dedicated GP practice for people living with physical or intellectual disabilities, or acquired brain injuries.


*Only eligible for existing and regular patients. As approved by their GP.

General Practitioners






Dr Raphael Ng - MBBS, FRACGP.

Dr Raphael Ng has worked in the area of Disability Health since 2011. This includes Strathmont Centre, the Centre for Disability Health, as well as Highgate Park Clinic.

His experience extends to caring for patients living in a wide spectrum of disabilities, including Intellectual Disabilities, Acquired Brain and Spinal Injuries, as well as End-Stage Huntington's Disease.

He understands the numerous barriers faced by patients and carers in seeking accessible and appropriate medical services from a standard model of care.

This is what drives Dr Raphael to provide care through Adelaide Disability Medical Services.

Dr Raphael focuses on what matters most for his clients : Continuity, Accessibility and Quality.

Rehabilitation Physicians

  • Dr Kandegama Subha Senewirathna

  • Dr Jessica Smith

Dr Kandegama Subha Senewirathna - MBBS FAFRM AFRACMA

Dr Subha has been working as a Consultant Rehabilitation Medicine Physician at Southern Adelaide Local Health work since 2019. She has also worked in part time positions as a consultant at South Australian Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service (SABIRS) and South Australian Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Service ( SASCIS) over the last few years.

She is a consultant at the Neurorehabilitation clinic at Flinders Medical Centre which provides rehabilitation assessment and follow up for patients with various neurological conditions including but not limited to Acquired Brain Injury, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, neuromuscular disorders, other degenerative diseases etc.

Dr Subha is a Fellow of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, a member of the Rehabilitation Medicine Society of Australia and New Zealand (RMSANZ) and an Associate Fellow of Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators. She is a committee member of SALHN Trauma committee and Neurorehabilitation Special Interest Group of RMSANZ.

Practising in all areas of Rehabilitation Medicine, she has special interests in rehabilitation for Neurological, Neuromuscular, Trauma, and Orthopaedic conditions. She is also able to see patients for cognitive assessments and driving medical assessments.

Dr Subha is an academic at Flinders University College of Medicine and Public Health and is a Clinical Supervisor for advanced training of Rehabilitation Medicine Registrars.

Dr Subha requires a referral prior to an appointment being made and gap fees apply. 

How do I register my interest?

Feel free to call our number on (08) 8121 8367 and register your interest with the service. You can also email contact@adelaidedisability.com.au.

Our intake of new clients depends on how heavy our case load is at any given time, and your place of residence.

We will often make a time to meet with you and your caregivers to discuss if we are the right fit for your needs.

New Patient Information Kit

  • A new client to our GP practice will be provided with an information pack which includes:

    • Methods of contacting the service and GPs involved
    • Request for preferred pharmacy provider
    • Request for information regarding contact details of caregivers, accommodation facility staff and management if appropriate
    • A transfer of medical information form to release medical information held with a prior practice
    • Contact details for our preferred after hours locum service
    • An invoice for our fees – we request this is attended to prior to our first consultation

Adelaide Disability Medical Services - Disability GP & General Practioner Practice - Adelaide
Adelaide Disability Medical Services - Disability GP & General Practioner Practice - Adelaide
Adelaide Disability Medical Services - Disability GP & General Practioner Practice - Adelaide

If you or a loved one need help with disability GP services, please contact us to get an appointment with one of our contracted GPs. 

ADMS provides an individualised management plan for each client.

Prader-Willi Syndrome - Symptoms, Treatment & Management

Adelaide Disability Medical Services is a Dedicated GP Practice for people living with a physical or intellectual disabilities.

Why Consult With Us? 

Passion, Experience and Familiarity with dealing with Disability Health Issues is what differentiates us.

Our practice is all about helping patients cope with their medical conditions and disabilities.

Our contracted GPs are very passionate about what they do and serve patients with professionalism and empathy.

Disability General Practitioners

Do you find it difficult and stressful making the trip to see your regular GP due to long waiting times and uncomfortable waiting rooms?

Why not experience the difference in attending our clinic. 

At ADMS, we are passionate about providing medical care to people with intellectual and physical disabilities including their associated medical conditions.

We understand the need for longer consult times to address the complex medical and mental health issues that people living with a disability often face.

We Can Help You With A GP Management Plan, General Consultation Or Annual Medical Review.

Need Advice?

Are you or your loved one living with a physical or intellectual disability? Speak to us today. We can help you better manage your lifestyle. 


Unit 1, 6-12 Capital Street,
Mawson Lakes, SA 5095.


Email enquries are for non urgent matters.
Please dial 000 if this is a medical emergency.

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