Frequently Asked Questions

GP Management Plans for People with a Disability
Fee Structure
  • ADMS is a mixed billing practice; this means that patients will pay a gap for certain appointments.
  • Please contact us for a comprehensive fee structure.
  • A different schedule of fees applies to patients under workplace medicals or other insurance schemes where Medicare rebates do not apply and our reception staff can advise you about this if relevant.

How will the gap fee be charged by the practice?

We have taken into account that patients and disability support workers often do not handle money for appointments directly. As such, we will be able to offer flexible payment options, either at the time of the appointment via Eftpos facilities or via bank transfer with the Medicare rebate being paid into your nominated bank account. We strongly advise that your bank account details are up-to-date with Medicare and our staff can help provide additional instructions for how to do this.

Can gap fees be paid on a payment plan?

Unfortunately, gap fees will not be able to be paid on a payment plan.

How can I try to manage the costs of my healthcare?

In light of the changes, we would like to take the opportunity to remind patients about the Medicare Safety Net. The Medicare Safety Net is designed to help cover the costs of all Medicare-rebatable services in a calendar year. Once you/your registered family have hit the safety net, the Government will cover 80% of the total cost of any further appointments. The safety net dollar value changes depending on your/your family’s concession entitlement.

What are your opening hours?

Our clinic is open between 9 am and 5 pm Monday to Friday.

We are closed on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays.

Walk-in and home visits appointments

Due to the nature of our clinic, we are unable to accept non-emergency walk-ins. Kindly call us to enrol a patient. We are a clinic-based practice and we do not provide regular home visits. Any home visits to patients will be on a needs basis.

Is your clinic wheelchair accessible?

Yes, our clinic has been designed with wheelchairs in mind. We have disability car parking out the front of the clinic and also plenty of car parking spaces underneath the shopping centre with elevator access.

How often are the appointments?

We encourage our clients to have a full general check up at least once a year and a review of their medications 6 monthly. Otherwise the appointments are made on an as required basis.

What happens if I am sick outside of regular hours?

Adelaide Disability Medical Services’ preferred after hours locum service is Hello Home Doctor (locum agency) for non-emergency home visits.

If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 000 or attend the hospital Emergency Department.

What procedures can you offer?

Some procedures that we offer in the clinic include:

  • Immunisations
  • Skin biopsies and excisions
  • Cryotherapy for treatment of skin conditions (warts, seborrheic keratoses)
  • Ear wax syringing
  • Wound assessment, swabs and dressing
  • Blood collection
  • Depot injections
  • Bladder catheterisation
  • Cervical screening tests

Please refer to ‘Services’ for further detail regarding specific health assessments.

Do you provide services other than general care?

Over time, we have developed a network of radiology providers, community nursing services, Allied Health professionals and Specialist Doctors who we refer to in order to provide respectful care to our clients.

We are working very hard behind the scenes to add more dedicated, experienced professionals to the mix!

We are also building strong connections with the acute sector: extended care paramedics and tertiary hospitals.

How do I receive my results?

Results will only be given by clinical staff, unless consent has been given by the doctor.

Doctors will follow up on any results for their patients and act accordingly. Please note, we are not responsible to chase up any results ordered by hospitals, specialists or any other clinics.

How do I register my interest?

Due to a shortage of GP services due to multiple reasons, we are unable to take on new patients at this time. This is so that we can focus on continuing to provide a consistent level of care for our existing patients. Thank you for your understanding.

How can I communicate with my doctor?

Appointments are generally offered for face-to-face consultations.

There are also some occasions in which a Telehealth or Telephone consultation may be appropriate and this is subject to the availability of Medicare rebates.

We do not communicate with patients via email. General emails enquiries are for non-urgent matters which will be attended to within 5 working days.

Reminders and Recalls

Our practice uses a reminder system for recurring tasks including for preventative health care or when immunisations are due.

Please let us know if you do not wish to receive reminders.

We will also recall you for urgent results where a follow up appointment has not already been made.

How am I able to provide feedback to the clinic?

Patient feedback is important to us and if you feel that improvements can be made, we are keen to hear your suggestions via email or speaking to us in person.

While we believe that all problems are best handled within the practice, you may choose to address your concerns with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (telephone 1300 419 495) or the South Australian Health and Community Services Complaints Commissioner (telephone 8226 8666).